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Map of Imatra town

On the interactive tourist map of Imatra (Finland) for the location of places that can be interesting and useful to tourists attractions, museums, shopping, border crossing point.

Shops and other sites listed on map of Imatra


Large supermarket that sells a wide range of products at affordable prices.


Large supermarket sells a wide range of products at affordable prices.


Pedestrian zone, which is home to many popular stores. Including favorite shops "Seppälä," "Veromoda", "Dressmen" and some others.


The department store trying to sell the cheapest goods.


Construction and household goods shop.


Imatran Kylpylä

Spa hotel "Imatran kylpylä". A small, but very nice water park is situated in the hotel.

Holiday Club Saimaa

SPA hotel "Holiday Club Saimaa" - the most modern hotel in Imatra. Nearby there is also theme park Angry Birds.


Spa Hotel "Imatran Valtionhotelli" - the most famous hotel in Imatra (also known as the Castle hotel).

Other objects

  • McDonald's is located at Imatra center, Tainionkoskentie street 5.
  • The rapids on the river Vyuksa (Imatrankoski) - the main attraction of Imatra.
  • Russian-Finland border crossing point.

Attractions:    Museums:    Shopping:    Hotels:    Other:   


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