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Berlin tourist map

Map of Berlin for tourists. Popular places, attractions, museums location on the map

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Where is it in Berlin?

Map shows the location of the most popular tourist places in Berlin.

Attractions and places of interest.

Brandenburg Gate

Brandenburg Gate (Brandenburger Tor) is the most famous symbol of Berlin, located in the central part of the city on the Pariser Platz. It was built in years1788-1791. Near the Brandenburg Gate are held many interesting events during the year. The nearest underground station is Brandenburger Tor.


The Reichstag building is one of the tourist attractions of Berlin. The building housed the German Parliament (Bundestag). The building was built in 1894. Glass dome on the building has an observation deck (the dome is open for tourists, online pre-registration required on the Bundestag web site ).

Address: Deutscher Bundestag, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Platz der Republik 1, Berlin. Nearest metro station: Bundestag.

Berlin TV Tower

Television Tower (Fernsehturm) is one of Berlin's attractions, the tallest building in the city. The tower has a height of 368 meters and is visible from many parts of the city. On the tower (at a height of 203 meters) are a restaurant and an observation deck for tourists.
The nearest metro station: Alexanderplatz.

Remains of the Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall is one of the sights of Berlin. This is a reminder of a time when the country was divided into parts. The wall was almost completely destroyed in 1990. Fragments of the wall are in different parts of the city.

Berlin Wall memorial (Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer) is located on the Bernauer Strasse street (Bernauer Straße 119). Along this street was located part of the border between East and West Berlin.

East Side Gallery is a section of the Berlin Wall, which is a unique opan air art galareey. Artists from different countries made their pictures right on the wall. It is located on the street Mühlenstraße. Nearest metro station: Warschauer straße.

Museums Island

On the northen part of Shpreeinzel island on the River Spree in Berlin are located several famous museums (Bode Museum, Pergamon Museum, National Gallery, Old Museum, the New Museum). Nearby is also the Berlin Cathedral. Nearest station: metro U6 - station Friedrichstraße, train S1, S2, S25 - station Friedrichstraße, train S5, S7, S75 - station Hackescher Mark.

Berlin Zoo

Berlin Zoo (Zoologischer Garten Berlin) is one of the biggest and best zoos in Europe. At the zoo also has an aquarium with the river and marine fauna. The nearest metro station Zoologischer Garten.
Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG, Hardenbergplatz 8, 10787 Berlin.


Map of Berlin indicated the location of some shopping centers.

  • Schloss Straßen Center. Shopping center at street Schlossstrasse, Rrimark store. Schlossstrasse - a major shopping street in Berlin.
  • Potsdamer Platz Arkaden. The popular shopping center located at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin.
  • Galeria Kaufhof. The popular shopping center at Alexanderplatz square 9.
  • Galeries Lafayette. Just three shopping centers located in the heart of the city on Friedrichstrasse: Quartier 205, Quartier 206 and Quartier 207.

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