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Map of Vyborg

Location of the most interesting places for tourists in Vyborg is shown on the map: attractions, hotels and shops.

Attractions:   Museums:   Shopping:   Hotels:   Other:   Theater:   Cafe:


Vyborg Castle is the main attraction of the Vyborg city.

"Mon Repos" park is a good place for walking in summer.

The "Round tower" is one of the oldest buildings in the city. The tower was built in 1547-1550. The tower was part of the fortifications of the city.

Medieval Tower is one of only two surviving medieval towers fighting the Vyborg fortress. The tower was built in the 15th century, along with the rest of the defensive wall of stone towers of the city.

"Red Square" in Vyborg is the main square of the city.

Elk Sculpture is one of the most famous sculptures in Vyborg. Near is located the Vyborg city library.

The city market building is located on the Market Square.

The market place of Vyborg city. Here sells food, clothes, shoes.

The railway station of Vyborg. Nearby is a bus station. You can leave Vybotg to Saint Petersburg by train or by bus. Near is situated the "Viking" hotel.


"Vyborg" hotel is one of the oldest hotels in the city.

"Druzhba" hotel is the most famous hotel in Vyborg. Near the is located the hotel - ship Korolenko.

"Shelf" hotel is situated not far from shipyard.

"Gerkon Hotel" located near the center of the city.

Shopping places

Store construction materials and household goods "Metrika".

Supermarkets "Karusel" and "Magnit" are biggest supermarkets in Vyborg.

Shop "Iskrasoft", construction and household goods.

Store construction materials and household goods "Vimos".

Shop "1000 little things" selling household goods.

Shopping centers "Alisa" and "Atrium" in Vyborg. Here is sold many different kinds of goods.

See location of shops, hotels and attractions on the map.


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