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Tarragona map

On the tourist of Tarragona you will find location and a brief description of many attractions. Location of some interesting places for tourists is also noted on the map. Mark the desired category in the bottom of the card.

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Useful link Here you can find a tour from Barcelona to Tarragona and tickets to an amusement park.

Some of the facilities, which location you can find on the map.

  • Roman amphitheater. Tarragona amphitheater was built in the 2nd century AD and is now the main attraction of the city.
  • Aqueduct. It is part of an ancient Roman aqueduct. Archaeological Ensemble of Tarraco was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000. (Aqueduct de les Ferreres, Devils Bridge). It is possible to get to aqueduct bu bus, by taxi or by foot.
  • Mediterranean balcony. “Mediterranean Balcony” is a small square at the end of the Rambla Nova, on a hill 40 meters above sea level.
  • Cathedral. “Tarragona Cathedral” is a building in early Gothic stile, a national monument of Spain (since 1905).
  • Fortress walls. The fortress wall is part of the archaeological complex of Tarragona (Conjunto arqueologico de Tarraco), which is included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. Archaeological route.
  • Shopping malls. On the map is marked location of “Park Central” and “Corte Inglés” shopping centers in Tarragona.
  • On the map also noted location of bus and railway stations (buses to Barcelona), and location of some museums in Tarragona.


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