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Stockholm map

It is possible to find the location and a brief description of many popular with tourists places on the map of Stockholm. Choose the desired category at the bottom of the map. (Example: landmarks, theaters, museums, airport, cruise port, hotel etc.).

Map data from © OpenStreetMap.
Attractions:    Museums:    Shopping:    Hotels:    Other:    Theater:      

You can find out the location of the most popular tourist spots on the map of Stockholm. The map will be useful for those who are planning to travel to Sweden. Select the category of the object on the menu (at the bottom of map). On the right you will see the names of places and objects. Short description will be opened when you click a marker or name.

Places in Stockholm


Royal Palace. The Royal Palace is the main tourist attraction of the Old Town. Stockholm's Old Town is known as Gamla Stan. Changing of the palace guards has a strong interest among tourists.

Distance (on foot) to the central station is about 1.1 km.

City Hall. Stockholm City Hall is one of the most famous buildings in the city. This is one of the city's attractions.

Distance (on foot) to the central station is about 800 meters, to the Royal Palace about 1.5 kilometers.

Mårten Trotzigs Lane. This is the narrowest street in Stockholm. Lane width is about 90 centimeters.

Distance (on foot) to the Royal Palace is approximately 500 meters.

Stortorget. Stortorget Square is a small square in Gamla Stan. It is the oldest square in Stockholm. Many important events in the history of Sweden happened here.

Stockholm Cathedral. Storkyrkan Cathedral is the oldest church in Gamla Stan. It is located next to the Royal Palace.

Järnpojke sculpture. Järnpojke sculpture (translated as Iron Boy) is the smallest sculpture in Stockholm. It is located in a small courtyard behind the Finnish Church.


Vasa Museum. It is the most famous museum in Stockholm. Museum was built specifically to showcase one ship. The ship sank during its first trip 10 August 1628. The ship was raised to the surface of April 24, 1961.

Skansen. Skansen is an open air museum with a small zoo in Stockholm. A lot of events are held in Skansen year in. Skansen is visited by about 1.3 visitors annually.

Distance (on foot) to the Royal Palace is approximately 3 kilometers.

Moderna. It is museum of Modern Art in Stockholm. The museum features about 100 thousand samples of contemporary art, including works by Matisse, Picasso, Malevich, Dali.

Distance (on foot) to the Royal Palace is about 1.4 kilometers.

Other objects

Stockholmsmässan. Stockholm International Exhibition Centre and Convention Centre Stockholmsmässan is located in the southern suburbs of the city. It hosts exhibitions, fairs and other events. 1.3 million visitors a year.

Ericsson Globe, Tele2 Arena, Olympic Stadium and Kungstradgarden Park. This is the venue for various events in Stockholm.

Some of the popular hotels and hostels location is marked on the map. The hotels are located in the city center and very convenient for tourists. To purchase a ticket on a plane, go to the airline ticket sales service.


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