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Rome metro map

Rome metro map. The map shows location of subway stations and subway lines on a map of the city. The map will be useful to tourists visiting Rome. Rome travel guide.

In the right part of the map is a list of metro stations of Rome. Select the desired station and its location will be shown on the map.

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Recommended to see: Tourist map of Rome.

The nearest metro station

The nearest metro station to some places in the city of Rome. This can help you make the route to the desired place in Rome.

Colosseo Metro Station

  • The Colosseum is the most famous landmark in Rome.
  • Roman Forum. Here was the center of social life of ancient Rome.
  • Capitol. This is one of the seven hills on which ancient Rome was located.

Ottaviano Metro Station

The Vatican, St. Peter's Square and Basilica of Saint Peter are located near this station. It is also convenient to get to the Vatican Museums from metro station Cipro.

Metro station Barberini - Fontana di Trevi

This is the nearest metro station to one of the most famous fountains in the world - Trevi Fountain.

The metro station Spagna

Spagna Metro Station is the nearest for places: Plaza de España, the Spanish Steps, Barcaccia Fountain, Villa Medici. It is also possible to walk to the Pantheon from here. Some of the most popular shopping streets of Rome are located near the station.

Information about some of the subway station in Rome and closest to them sites and attractions:

EUR Fermi. There are several mosaics in the hall of the station. Nearby: Roma Convention Center - La Nuvola, National Museum of the Middle Ages, PalaLottomatica multi-purpose sports and entertainment arena.

Laurentina metro station. It is also the terminus for several suburban bus routes. Nearby: Museum of the Roman Civilization, Three Fountains Abbey, Sant'Eugenio Hospital.

EUR Palasport station. Near the station there are: artificial lake (was created for the Olympic Games 1960), Park Il Parco Centrale del Lago.

EUR Magliana station. There are located nearby: railway Ferrovia Roma - Lido station. Italian Civilization Palace is located nearby (The Palazzo della Civiltà Italiana, architectural landmark, 1940).

Garbatella station. The University of Roma Tre University is located nearby (Università degli Studi Roma Tre).

Piramide station. There are located nearby: the pyramid of Cestius (Roman mausoleum built in the shape of an Egyptian pyramid), the railway stations Roma Porta San Paolo and Roma Ostiense Station.

Circo Massimo station. Nearby attractions: Aventine Hill, the ancient Roman Circus Maximus (Circus Maximus), the Caracalla's Baths of.

Tiburtina metro station. The station is located under the railway station Roma Tiburtina, which serves as the regional routes, as well as high-speed railway line Milan - Napoli. It is possible to get to Rome, Leonardo da Vinci (Fiumicino) airport by the metropolitan train FM1. There are also the bus station nearby.

Cavour Metro Station is the closest to Santa Maria Maggiore.

Policlinico Metro Station is the nearest to the Sapienza University of Rome.

Recommended to see: Tourist map of Rome.


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