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Sochi map

Map of Sochi and the surrounding area with interesting tourists objects location.

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Hotels in Sochi

Grand Hotel and Spa Rodina 5 - stars . Private beach, several restaurants, a spa center with indoor and outdoor pools.

Radisson Azure 4- star. Private beach, 3 restaurants, 2 cafes, 2 bars, a nightclub, and special entertainment.

hotel complex Pearl 3 - star. Private beach, 2 outdoor pools and tennis courts. Nearby is the main promenade of Sochi.

To find hotels in Sochi on the Black Sea coast, use hotels searching (here you can find a hotel ).

Hotels in Krasnaya Polyana

Grand Hotel Polyana 5 - stars. Krasnaya Polyana. Swimming pools and spa facilities, panoramic views of the Caucasus Mountains. Near is located ski center.

Peak Hotel. Krasnaya Polyana. The hotel offers 97 rooms. Near is the ropeway of "Gazprom".

Attractions and sights in Sochi

Waterpark "Mayak". "Lighthouse" . Large selection of water activities for adults and children in waterpark "Mayak" (Lighthouse).

Aquarium - terrarium. 200 species of fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians - lizards, snakes and crocodiles.

Park Arboretum in Sochi. More than 2,000 exotic and rare plants that were brought to the park from all over the world .

Park "Riviera". The most popular park in Sochi "Riviera". Park was founded in 1898. Admission is free.

Observation tower on Ahune Mount.


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