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Cafes and restaurants in Vyborg

Max's Burger

Max's Burger fast food café. The food assortment, service organization, and the prices are similar to Macdonalds and other similar places. Еourists can fast snack during a walk around the city рere (ещ eat a hamburger, roll, salad and a to drink cup of coffee). The cafe is located in the old town, on the Market Square.
Address: Vyborg, Severny Vak Street, 21.
You can check the location on the map.

"Round Tower" restaurant

Restaurant "Round Tower" (Круглая Башня) is one of the best restaurants in the city. The restaurant is located in the old part of the city, on the Market Square. The building in which the restaurant is located, is an architectural monument of the 16th century. Restaurant in this building was opened in 1923.
Address: Vyborg, Market Square.


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