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How to travel between Moscow and St. Petersburg

What is the best way to travel between Moscow and St. Petersburg? What type of transport should a tourist choose? Here are tips from locals.

You can travel between the most popular cities of Russia by different means of transport: train, plane, bus, car. The difference between these types of transport is very significant. Here you will find useful tips and can buy tickets online.

By train

The train is the best mode of transport for traveling between Moscow and St. Petersburg. This is the fastest, most convenient, cheapest and safest form of transport on this route. Train stations are conveniently located next to metro stations.

There are different types of trains on this popular route.

The Sapsan high-speed train is the most convenient and fastest type of train. These trains run between Moscow and St. Petersburg several times a day. The journey takes about 3.5 – 4 hours. It's a little longer and a little more expensive than flying.
But there are significant advantages compared to an airplane:
You don't need to waste time and money to get to the airport.
You can arrive at the station a few minutes before the train departs.
On the railway there are no strict restrictions on the carriage of baggage, dangerous prohibited items and substances.
But tickets for the Sapsan high-speed trains, in most cases, are more expensive than plane tickets.

The night train with sleeper berths is also a very convenient form of transport. The train departs in the evening and arrives in the morning. You go to bed in the carriage in the evening at the point of departure, and wake up in another city.

There are also night trains with seating. Traveling in such a carriage is quite tiring, but it is cheap.

Train tickets can be purchased at any train station or online.

Trains depart from: Leningradsky Railway Station in Moscow and Moskovsky Railway Station in St. Petersburg.


Several transport companies carry passengers between Moscow and St. Petersburg by bus. The bus station in St. Petersburg is located next to Obvodny Canal chanel (Obvodny Canal Metro Station). In Moscow, buses leave from different bus stations. Buses can depart from other places (check the information when buying a ticket.

Buses usually leave in the evening, are on the road all night and arrive at the destination in the morning. The journey time is 11 - 12 hours.

Bus tickets for this route cost about the same as the cheapest rail tickets, or a little cheaper (from 750 rubles in 2018).

It is possible ti buy bus tickets on different sites online, or at the ticket offices of the bus station.

We still recommend choosing a train or plane for this route.


The plane is the fastest mode of transport. The flight time is approximately 1 hour 25 minutes. You need to add time to security control at the airport and the time to get to the airport to this time. A significant disadvantage is also the restrictions of items and substances in hand luggage transportation.

Tickets for a plane between Moscow and St. Petersburg are sometimes cheaper than train tickets. You can compare the cost of tickets from different airlines (and buy tickets) online.

How to get from the airport to the city? The cheapest use is public transport. You can also take a taxi right at the airport. You can also book a taxi to the airport (from the airport) on the Internet in advance (the driver will meet you in the airport arrival area).

See also: Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow and Pulkovo Airport in St. Petersburg.

By car

The M11 Neva expressway is laid between Moscow and St. Petersburg. This road allows you to travel quite quickly and comfortably between Moscow and St. Petersburg by car. The highway is approximately 670 kilometers (410 mi) long. This is a toll road. The road passes near such cities as Tver and Veliky Novgorod.

Useful links

Some useful links for those who are going to Moscow or St. Petersburg:


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