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New York and Manhattan map

Map of New York and Manhattan. The map shows the location of many popular attractions and interesting places for tourists.

Map data from © OpenStreetMap.
Attractions:    Museums:    Shopping:    Hotels:    Other:    Theater:      

The map shows the location of the most popular tourist places in New York. These are the most visited attractions, as well as theaters, airports and train stations.

New York | Manhattan | Hotels | Guided tours | VISIT-PLUS

Most of these places are located in Manhattan, but some of the facilities are also located in neighboring districts.

You can also see the light version of the map, suitable for mobile devices.

Manhattan places to visit location on the map

The location of many places to visit is already marked on the map. This will help you make up your route.

Transport infrastructure facilities: John F. Kennedy International Airport and Newark Liberty Airport, Central and Pennsylvania stations, Ferry terminal and bus station.

Attractions and places to visit: Central Park, the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, the most famous skyscrapers, the Brooklyn Bridge, as well as the Bull on Wall Street.

Some of the museums. For example: the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the American Museum of Natural History, the Museum of Modern Art, the Guggenheim Museum, Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, and the Museum of Sex.

Several places for shopping. For example: Macy's and Century 21 department stores. (You will find many stores on Fifth Avenue and elsewhere.)

(We continue to improve the map.)


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