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Map of Saint Petersburg

Are you planning a trip to St. Petersburg (Russia)? Our map of tourist places can be very useful for you. You can find out the location of the most interesting and useful places in St. Petersburg. Explore the city with our interactive travel map.

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Where it is in St. Petersburg? You will find the location of the most visited places of the city by using the map. If you do not find what you were looking for, leave your comments at the bottom of the page.

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For example, there are already marked on the map: Palace Square and Winter Palace, Lenexpo, the Mariinsky Theatre, the "Mega Parnas" shopping center, "Mega Dybenko" shopping center, "Grand Canyon" shopping center, Four Seasons Hotel, "Astoria" hotel, "Moscow" hotel, "Pulkovskaya" hotel, Stockmann department store, the Consulate General of Finland. Use the dialog box below the map.

You can select the desired category with located under the map menu. On the left side of the map, there are located scale controls. You can also see a picture of the desired location on the photos from space. The list of objects you can find on the right side of the map.

Subway map can be useful for you too.

Some tourist places, the location of which you can find on the map

Attractions & Places

  • The Palace square. This is the central square of St. Petersburg. Winter Palace, the Alexander Column, the Arch of the General Staff and the Hermitage Theater are located here.
  • Peter and Paul Fortress. It is a historic center of the city. With the construction of the fortress began construction of the city. There are also located nearby: the zoo, the house of Peter the Great, Artillery Museum.
  • The St. Isaac's Cathedral. It is one of the most famous churches of St. Petersburg. It is easy to walk to the Peter the Great monument (The Bronze Horseman).
  • The Kazan Cathedral. The Kazan Cathedral is located on Nevsky Prospekt, near the Nevsky Prospect metro station. It is easy to walk to many interesting and popular tourist spots from this place (Cathedral of the Savior on Blood, Summer Garden, the Field of Mars).

What places tourists should visit in St. Petersburg? Take a look at this page.


Mariinsky Theater is most famous theater of St. Petersburg. The map shows location of the Mikhailovsky Theater, Hermitage Theater, Musical Comedy Theater and the “Youth Theater” of St. Petersburg.


  • Hermitage is the most famous museum of the city. The museum is located in the Palace Square, in a building of the Winter Palace.
  • The State Russian Museum is one of the most famous and one of the most visited museums in St. Petersburg.
  • Kunstkamer. Cabinet of curiosities was founded by Peter the Great. The museum is located on Vasilevsky Island.
  • The Naval Museum. The Central Naval Museum of Russia is located in St. Petersburg on the “Ploschad Truda” square. For a long time, the museum was housed in the old Exchange on the Vasilevsky Island.
  • Artillery Museum. Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps is located next to the Peter and Paul Fortress. The museum has a large collection of weapons from different times.

Other objects

This category lists the location of train stations, the airport, the Lenexpo and EXPOFORUM exhibition centers, Ice Palace and other useful and interesting places.

"Sevkabel Port" and "New Holland" are places where interesting events are held. Come here on weekends to spend your free time.


The map shows the location of some hotels. There are a lot of hotels, located near the train stations, airports, subway stations. The most complete information on hotels in St. Petersburg can be found here.

Our Saint Petersburg map highlights the attraction locations in an easy to use linkable map.

St Petersburg | Attractions | Hotels | Guided tours | Metro

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